Escape room blog: escape

Play an escape room and essentially you're playing a challenge. By dint of their very design, you'll need to put on your thinking hat and work out the many intricate puzzles as you look for clues.

If you find yourself staring sadly into your cornflakes at breakfast time, with a horrible feeling of dread as you hear your partner coming down the stairs, then help is at hand. And though you might be unhappy with your present situation, there are other ways than divorce to end this intolerable marriage...

So here you stand with three of your friends. In a darkened escape room. You're surrounded by all sorts of unrelated items, from bunches of keys to books to strange looking pictures. Looking up, you can see a clock that's counting down the hour. In the distance you can hear someone crying...

If you're a thrill seeker who likes bungee jumping and off piste skiing, then we have a dozy for you. Of course, you might think of yourself as an adrenaline junkie, unfazed and unafraid of mortal danger as you dance, as close as possible and hand in hand with the grim reaper himself...

Continuing our look into the types of clues, tropes and puzzles you might well encounter in an escape room game. Sorry to say, but there are no answers to be found here, just a general overview allowing a first time player a glimpse into the inner workings of how clues and puzzles might be resolved. So, with that in mind, onward and upwards...

Born Ehrich Weisz in Budapest in 1874, he was one of six children. His father was a Rabbi, Mayer, and his other's name was Cecilia Steiner. Two years later, the father was to emigrate to the US, following the dream of a better life...

At ExitTheRoom, we love all things around the theme of escape room games. Having played thousands of games with a countless number of players, we are in a great position to delve into the subject of escape room clues.

Apparently, almost everything we learned about falling into quicksand from the movies is wrong. On celluloid, after falling in, the poor actor gradually sinks deeper and deeper until the last part we see is but a single hand reaching up, before it too, becomes submerged...