Escape room blog: puzzle

There are probably fewer ways to keep your hands busy than doing a jigsaw puzzle. The same goes for relieving stress or making something creative...

"The Cube" is one of the most popular and difficult puzzles ever invented. There are 43 quintillion wrong moves....and only 1 right answer...

There’s nothing to compare to an escape room game for sheer fun and comradery. Going with a group of mates is a sure-fire way to bring you all closer together as well as get those brain cells working...

Without a doubt, the best escape room games are those that can ensure we are having an immersive experience whilst playing. To be enthralled in the fantasy world around you. In the same way that a movie requires you to suspend disbelief for a couple of hours, so escape room games are the same...

Continuing our look into the types of clues, tropes and puzzles you might well encounter in an escape room game. Sorry to say, but there are no answers to be found here, just a general overview allowing a first time player a glimpse into the inner workings of how clues and puzzles might be resolved. So, with that in mind, onward and upwards...

At ExitTheRoom, we love all things around the theme of escape room games. Having played thousands of games with a countless number of players, we are in a great position to delve into the subject of escape room clues.