Escape room blog: Team Building

If you take a group of individuals, and find a common base between the, whether attitudes, perceptions or goals, then that’s how a team is formed. Within the team, the ideal situation is that all members can contribute equally. This way, they are able to accomplish complicated tasks and achieve the team's predefined objectives.

Being a gigantic corporation, the international prize that Google has been obsessed with for years, was finding ways to compile the “perfect team.” Using a huge number of analytical tools over the last decade or so, as well as investing millions of dollars, Google has been measuring nearly every aspect of their workers' lives.

For nearly all businesses, their profitability is key to their very survival. That means it’s the employees who have control and can either make or break the whole enterprise. You’ve probably all come across a business where the employees look like they're just dialing it in. They are merely going through the motions with one eye on the clock, appearing to be totally disengaged and bored.

Forming and maintaining relationships with your co-workers can be difficult when working remotely. The physical distance between people can eventually lead to feelings of isolation, which can cause people to feel unsupported and disconnected from those they work with. Fortunately, a Forbes article on teamwork shows that lots of communication between teams can help build and maintain a good remote

Building a great autonomous team is one thing. And having a group of people communicating well and working together is a huge benefit and the work situation. But unfortunately, nothing happens in a vacuum. One of the most important factors of any team building is finding a leader who is able to help the team by steering them towards predefined and clear goals.

Since its inception in Japan in the early 2000’s, escape room games have become much more than just a trend. Go to any city anywhere in the western world, and you'll find a whole load of escape room games companies waiting to entertain you.

Since their humble beginnings around 20-years ago, corporate team building has evolved into a completely different beast. Years ago, there was no better method of gaining disdain from all your employees other than by encouraging them to take part in a team building exercise, using such methods as childish trust falls, silly office games and rope courses. Thank God things have moved on for the bett

There’s a good reason why most employees tend to cringe at the words “team building.” That’s because it brings back previous deeply repressed memories of awful attempts by management to inject some sort of team spirit into the work environment. One of the big problems with the team building genre is the fact that it is so broad and can cover so many different activities. Unfortunately, many of the

Over time, the ideas behind corporate team-building have changed significantly, though the myths of what team-building is about still persists. Today, we're going to have a look at the validity of some of these out-dated ideas about the content and rle team-building can play within a company.

"Teamwork!" Yep, it's another buzzword for the new millennium. Well, now that we're all meant to be more loving, caring for the environment and gender aware, it's only logical that getting people to get along with each other should now be taking center stage in the work situation.

If you've ever been part of a larger corporation, then the idea of team building games probably makes you throw up in your mouth a little.

Team building is the means by which a business can motivate and create a team spirit among it's participants. But you could do that, just as badly, by simply asking everyone to stand and sing the company song, first thing in the morning